Tuesday, May 16, 2017

That's All Folks!

    Now I can say it's finally over. I was able to finish all  of my projects. I spend a lot of time on finishing those assignments in Professor Wu's classroom. I want to thank Professor Wu for the help and support that he provided. He put a lot of effort to keep his students focus on their class work. This is why I'm going to miss his class.

     After completing this course, I actually feel that I actually achieved something. When I leave this course, I'm taking home my IC3 certificate and my personal website with me. I also want to thank Professor Wu for taking me to that Chinese restaurant that he recommended me to try. This was the first time that I actually tried traditional Chinese food. The food was yummy!

    My goal for this summer is to find another job. I will use the resume that Wu help me improve on.  I had a blast taking this course. I'm still planning to post more blogs. By keeping my Blogger account, I'm still able to stay in touch with the classroom. I wish everyone a great summer vacation!

Friday, May 12, 2017

It's Over?

     I can't believe it's not over yet. I have a few assignments that I still need to complete. That Access project is driving me nuts. I wish that I spend more time with the Access subject. I thought Excel was difficult, but Access takes the cake.

     I still need to upload that webpage. I want to publish it as soon as possible. On the bright side, no more unit exams for me. I can't wait for my certificate to arrive. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my presentation for this class. If I had to present, my topic will be about the Rocky movies. I wanted to explain how those movies impacted me. The Rocky movies keeps me motivated because in a way sometimes I feel like that I relate to Rocky Balboa. Here is a famous quote that keeps me going.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Just one more week.

     We are close to the end. Next week is the last week. I can't believe it's almost over. Just one more unit test. Unit 2 exam ready or not, I will take you down. I will study hard this week.

     I am planning to present for next week. I want to get more points for my grade. This should be fun because I wonder on how much I improve from my last presentation. I will send my slideshow file to Professor Albert Wu before I present. Your feedback will help me on my slideshow.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Sam Projects

     Today, I am trying to catch up with my Sam projects. My plan for tonight is to get those projects done. As I am typing this post, I am still waiting for my excel file to open. I admit it's taking awhile to open up. I feel like this computer in our classroom is preventing me from finishing those projects.

     I wonder what's wrong with the computer. It seems like the computer has something against those projects. All this stalling makes me more frustrated and unwilling to get my projects done. My plan is to reset the computer, so I can see if that would make a difference.  I will not let this simple distraction prevent me from getting my tasks done. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Quiz 5

     Wow, when I came in the classroom, only a few students show up to class.  I hope the quiz did not scare any students off.  I believe this is quiz is important because its require to take it because our grade is on the line. I also felt that some of the students miss out some great feedback for their next unit exam, which is unit 3 living online.
     The feedback that Professor Wu provided for the quiz was quite helpful. Now, I have a better understanding of the URL. I also have a better understanding of what happens to a file that travels through the internet. I hope my classmates are ready for the next unit exam, which is unit 3 living online. It's almost over, I can do this! Next week, my goal is to pass that next unit exam.

Friday, April 14, 2017

My family week

     This week was very exciting. This week I hanged out with my family. My family from California visited me. My family members were my grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousins. My grandmother loves to share her stories from her past.

     My aunt and uncle were able to share some of their cooking ingredients when making tamales from scratch. I love to eat tamales. We usually tried to eat them on Christmas, but my aunt and uncle insisted that we should eat them this week. My family and I also spend time watching movies and exploring the Strip in Las Vegas. Overall, we had a blast and I am planning to see them again next year.

Friday, April 7, 2017

What a Night!

Tonight was a long night. I was the last person to leave the classroom. I left the classroom around 12 A.M.. Excel for me is the most difficult program compare to the rest of the programs in Microsoft Office. I find it this difficult because I have to memorize particular functions. I spend a lot of time focusing on Excel.

Albert Wu did a great job explaining more about the internet. I now understand why Mr Chan really makes you angry. I agree he complains too much. I like how you explain that when creating an account, you don't completely own the material. Anything can happen to your profile.

Friday, March 31, 2017


  The internet is too broad for me to explain in only one sentence. When I first think about the internet, I first think about connecting. When computers are connected to a network, these devices can transfer information to other devices online. One way to keep computers or other devices connected, they have to be connected by their internet service provider. The internet service provider provide us the connection to stay online.

  Internet service providers connect their subscribers online with different methods to stay connected. Some users used the DSL connection method in order to connect online. DSL  uses a phone line cable in order to connect online. Some users also used the cable connection method in order to connect online. The cable modem uses the coaxial cable in order to connect online. I used the cable modem in order to connect. Cox Communications is my internet service provider, so far I like the service.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Microsoft Excel

     I enjoyed watching the class presentation today. The presenters did a great job.  I learned that fast food restaurants do not always provide the nutrition you need and  that you can't never be too tall for basketball. I also learned that when going to Red Rock, I should never go there alone. Always have friends or family members to tag along with me.

     Microsoft Excel is still I struggle with because I'm not too familiar with it. I'm more comfortable with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. My goal is to become more proficient with Excel. I will not give up with this objective because I made it this far.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Spring Break

Spring break was a very fun week. I hanged out with the family and friends. We watched movies and went out to eat. Unfortunately, I experienced bad food poisoning that week. I have not experience this sickness like 11 years ago.

Eventually, I start feeling better. I wanted to take the test on Friday, but due to personal time conflicts I could not make it. On Sunday, I am planning to take that exam. I want to get rid of that test as soon as I can. I feel bad for delaying it. I hope everyone enjoyed the Spring break. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Class Presentation

    Our class presentation was very exciting. I had a lot of fun presenting in class. I loved talking about myself. I talked about my background history. I also talked about my hobbies and goals.

   I wanted to say more, but I fear that I was taking too much time. I am planning to do the optional presentation because I want to improve on my presentation skills. I might take Communications 101 for my next semester. Overall, everyone who present in class did a great job. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Quiz 3

      I believe quiz 3 was the most difficult quiz that I took in this course. I felt this way due to the length of reading lesson 8. Even though reading lesson 8 was lengthy, I enjoyed reading this lesson because I learned to be more proficient with Microsoft Word. I learned shortcuts on Microsoft Word, such as pressing Ctrl and O keys. Pressing Ctrl and O keys allows you to open your files.

     I can't believe the PowerPoint presentation starts next week. I believe it's too soon to start the presentation. The class should present at the end of the semester, however giving us an option to have another presentation for more bonus points is even better. My current topic for the presentation is food, but I might change the topic. I might switch the topic for video games.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Unit One Exam

        I hope the whole class did well in the unit one exam. I hope everyone is focus on the next unit exam. We need to stay focus and stay positive. My goal is to passed all 3 exams within March. I want to get those tests out of the way as soon as possible.

       I can't believe quiz 3 starts next week. It's been so soon because the class just took the unit one exam. I hope everybody reads the study guide. Quiz 3 might be the hardest exam that I will take because lesson 8 is a long lesson. Oh well, looks like I have to re-read lesson 8. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Quiz 2 and Job Posting

     Quiz 2 was an exciting quiz because I find some of the questions exciting. Talking about the input,processing, output, and storage concepts is very important. We need to know which devices are consider input,processing, output, and storage. For example my mouse is an input device and my monitor is an output device.  An android phone touch screen is consider both an input and output device because you can input information on the screen and it outputs data you see on the screen.

     I'm glad professor Albert Wu assign this assignment based on the job posting that we are currently looking for. I find this very helpful because now I have a better understanding on how to do resumes and cover letters. The professor show us tips on how we can improve with our job search. He wants us to see how we demonstrate our Microsoft Word skills. Everyday I am becoming more proficient with my Microsoft Word skills.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Review Quiz 1

I will say today was very productive. I'm so glad that the professor was able to review quiz one. Reviewing the answers was quite helpful because I can use this for my big unit test. Now I know what I did wrong with some of the questions. I'm glad the professor offers bonus questions for our quizzes.

 Reviewing study guide 2 was very helpful because I can get a head start for the next study guide. The professor told us some key points for quiz 2. Some of these points were about input, output, storage, processing and RAM. He also talk about magnetic and optical media. For the next quiz I will be ready.

Friday, February 3, 2017

First Quiz On IS101

What a way to start the first quiz for me. The quiz was very similar to the early bonus quiz. I am so happy that I took the early bonus quiz. Extra points that I can used to increase my grade for this course. Even though I prefer multiple choice, this test helps me think better.

This quiz shows that I can think for myself because most of the questions were written responses. This was a good method for students because it shows how much we really know the material  Before I attend class, I studied for over 30 mins at the computer lab. I was able to complete lesson 8 and 3 assignments on time. After finishing the quiz, I was able to leave class early. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

IS101 Busy Day

    Today was a busy day at IS 101. I was able to finish some lessons. They were lesson 1 and 8. A lot of reading was involved too. I read over 30 pages.

    I left class later than 10 pm. I notice more students stay in to finish their assignments.
I learned how to follow students in blogger because of the tutorial from the professor.  Next week I'll make sure to be on top with the assignments. I'm also ready for the next quiz.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Why I love computers

    I am a big fan of using computers. Computers help makes my life easier by speeding up the process. For example, my calculator is a mini computer that calculates math very quickly. Computers offer programs that help fix mistakes, such as Microsoft Word when editing grammar. Without Microsoft Word, I will have problem completing my essays due to being a poor speller. Plus computers help translate languages by using Google Translate. I am currently leaning Mandarin Chinese.

     I also used computers for entertainment. I love to watch movies on my laptop because my monitor supports 4k video. I make YouTube videos on the web because I want to record some special events that happen during my life. I love to play video games with the best experience as possible and my laptop includes a very powerful graphics card to make this possible. Overall, I do not know where I would be without my laptop.