Friday, January 20, 2017

Why I love computers

    I am a big fan of using computers. Computers help makes my life easier by speeding up the process. For example, my calculator is a mini computer that calculates math very quickly. Computers offer programs that help fix mistakes, such as Microsoft Word when editing grammar. Without Microsoft Word, I will have problem completing my essays due to being a poor speller. Plus computers help translate languages by using Google Translate. I am currently leaning Mandarin Chinese.

     I also used computers for entertainment. I love to watch movies on my laptop because my monitor supports 4k video. I make YouTube videos on the web because I want to record some special events that happen during my life. I love to play video games with the best experience as possible and my laptop includes a very powerful graphics card to make this possible. Overall, I do not know where I would be without my laptop.


  1. Computers are awesome and useful! I fell in love with them at the age of twelve. Funny that you mention video games, because I'm a big COD head.

  2. Ni Hao [The Game Dreamer 123] :-) You make videos and post them on YouTube? Very cool. Anything you can share with the class?

  3. Agree! What would we do without computers. I'm al-so a not so great speller and rely often on spell check. You-tuber, eh? my daughter often creates videos and even has a you tube name.

  4. I to am a fellow gamer although I am a console guy myself, computers do make life easier, but I do miss the days of people not being so connected. if you wanted to talk to someone you had to call them no text or facebook. Things were a lot more personal then.

  5. wow! I am not a video game person, I can barely play Pac-Man ^.^

  6. I like computers also. Not a gamer though.

  7. Computers are definitely a very useful tool especially in a professional business setting. Everything from managing funds, payments, and keeping track of important documents. Personally I love video games, however I enjoy Battlefield more than Call of Duty honestly.

  8. Yes! The multitude uses of a computer are extremely useful and benefiting. Lucky for us to have a class that helps us understand the computer systems and its applications better.

  9. Wow!! Interesting... I am so outdated in the video Gaming world I've occasionally played/play newer console games w/ my little gamers @ home. It's been a while since i was truly sucked into a game. Since, PACK MAN, NINTENDO> MARIO BROS>STREET FIGHTER STUFF, NEED FOR SPEED, I MAY NEED ALSO NEED NEW SCHOOL-VIDEO GAMER 101 crash course. :P

  10. If you're comfortable, you should post your YouTube account on your blog! Milk the class for those likes and subscriptions!

  11. Ya those TV's look cool. How do you like it? Do you recommend those kinds or are they overrated?

  12. Very fun, it would be certainly cool to have your YouTube videos shared with us. I love computers specially because it allows me to video call my family and friends from back home!

  13. Very much appreciate grammar correction on Microsoft Word as well!

  14. It's awesome that you have a YouTube channel! And great that you like computers so much, and you're right, they are really useful (:

  15. I am not a gamer, nor am I fan of computers. I feel like technology has made us into zombies. That you can no longer have a conversations with someone without them being stuck to their phone that makes you feel like you are talking to a wall. But very cool that you are learning a different language!
